Merry Christmas 2023!

We rejoice that Jesus is the Savior of the world and wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
~Romans 15:13

2023 highlights include: trips to Cameroon, Ohio, LA & Arizona, successful remote work, Eila’s graduation, Josiah’s driving, and Thad’s baptism. Our teens are in 9th grade, 11th grade, and 1st year of university – all in Michigan.

Wycliffe World Day of Prayer 2023

Each year on November 11th, Wycliffe Global Alliance organizations meet together across the globe to pray.

It is on November 11 because on that day in 1933, the founders of Wycliffe entered into Mexico and were able to do so because of God’s answers to their prayers. The start of the work in Mexico led to the founding of Wycliffe Bible Translators. So they set aside November 11th each year when Wycliffe organizations around the world meet together to pray to God in a spirit of Thanksgiving, Joy, and Dependence.

The Wycliffe Global Alliance is an alliance of organizations around the world serving together in the bible translation movement. CABTAL (Cameroon Association for Bible Translation and Literacy), which is a close partner of our work in Cameroon, is part of the alliance. SIL Cameroon is the organization we work with in Cameroon.

This video provide a brief overview of the day of prayer as it happened in Yaoundé, Cameroon. It is almost entirely in English, but there are small portions in French.

Writing, Reading, Documenting, Standardizing, and Revitalizing the Swo language

“Ecrire, lire, documenter, codifier et moderniser la langue sso” This is the goal of the committe and the work which was kicked off this fall for the next year at the center of SIL Cameroon in Yaounde.

CAM 10 Télévision (a Cameroonian news source) ran a brief segment highlighting this meeting. The video is in French, but you might enjoy it even if you can’t understand all the details.

Fall Scripture Celebration

You are invited to join us for Wycliffe Bible Translators’ Fall Scripture Celebration on Thursday, Oct. 12, at 2 p.m. ET. This event will take place in Orlando, but many will be joining via livestream. 

All around the world, God’s Word is transforming lives as people encounter Jesus in a language and format they clearly understand. Scripture Celebration provides us with a unique opportunity to celebrate the life-changing impact of having access to Scripture. Join to be encouraged and inspired as we rejoice together through live music, videos and testimonies! 

Bible Translation Day is coming

Recently, I learned that Sept 30 is Bible Translation Day! Who knew that such a thing existed?!? But now that we know, let’s celebrate!

One way to celebrate might be to read your favorite passage from the Bible in a few different translations. Or maybe you could pray for the Swo or the Jimi communities who are in the very beginning of their journeys to have a Bible translation that they can understand well. Or you could even think about how you could become even more involved in Bible translation – by giving or going to work with Wycliffe Bible Translators. We would be happy to connect with you and share more about Bible translation. So, please leave a comment or visit our infomation page to send us a note at: and we will get back to you.

Bible book pages open
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Family News – Reasons to Celebrate!

Eila graduated from RFIS! She was one of the top students in her class throughout high school. We are so proud of her perserevance and thoughtfulness. Even though endings are hard, she had a wonderful final semester with her friends and is ready for the next phase – at Calvin University.

Thaddeus was baptized as a believer in Jesus Christ! He took a big step to proclaim his faith in and desire to follow Jesus. We are so proud of his courage and excited to see what comes next for him. “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” -Galatians 5:25 (NIV)


It’s easy to look around this time of year in Michigan and be reminded of the cycles of the seasons. The birds have reappeared, the flowers are blooming, the trees are budding, and while it is still very cold most days there are hints of warm days coming.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Living in Cameroon, this was always something I missed. While there are seasonal changes and wet/dry changes — the cycle of winter to spring to summer to fall is missing there. And we’ve often mentioned that time seems to stand still in Cameroon, partially for this reason, I believe.

But what a joy it is the see each year.

This time last year some of us relocated back in Michigan, and it was during this springtime that we saw some of these same changes. One year anniversaries often bring back memories, or are good ways to mark progress.