We arrived in Cameroon just over one year ago. In this time, we have learned so much and yet understand so little about our new home.
We welcomed a new family, arriving from French language study in Albertville, on their first day in Yaoundé and our one year anniversary. What a gift to be able to see the difference that a year can make! The overwhelming sense of “how do I…?” especially with regard to feeding our family is gone, but a desire for deep(er) connections lingers.

New schools and new friends

Mixing new and old – studying or watching videos??

Potluck, Cameroonian style, with baton de manioc, chicken, fish, salads, and plantains

Seeing some of the natural beauty and learning from others about it

Joining the expat/missions community and playing lots of sports

Singing and dancing with our Cameroonian family

Re-learning old skills in a new context takes time… Driving in Yaounde is not for the timid.
My mom always said that you need two years for really getting to know someone, and I would argue that is likely true for a place as well. In our first year, we have just scratched the surface. In this coming year, maybe we will learn about some of the hidden treasures and see a bit more of what we couldn’t see before.